Aggregate Materials - Engineering Aggregates | Logansport Indiana


Crushed Limestone, Sand & Gravel

Our Aggregate materials

We are proud to offer a wide selection of different aggregate products across our three locations, all close to major highways for easy accessibility. We have everything you need for your project, from limestone for commercial construction to sand and gravel for residential projects.

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Used as a decorative landscaping material.

SIZE: 2 1/2″ to 1 1/2″


Used as an intermediate material for ground stabilization where a smaller top size material is required.

SIZE: 1 1/2" to 1"



Plant 1

Generally used as the coarse aggregate for a base coarse in asphalt road construction. 

SIZE: 1 1/2" to 1/4"


Generally used as the coarse aggregate in a binder course of asphalt pavements and the usual coarse aggregate in concrete road and bridge construction. Also used frequently to backfill large pipes.

SIZE: 1" to 1/4"


Used as the coarse aggregate in a medium binder course of asphalt pavements. It is also used as the coarse aggregate in concrete where the spacing of reinforcing materials are too close together for #8 stone to flow through the reinforcing or where thinner layers of concrete are desired. May be used to top dress driveways that already have a good base but some of the medium sized materials have been lost due to use.

SIZE: 3/4" to 1/4"


Combination of 1/2” stone and fine aggregate. It is generally used on driveways where a small top size aggregate is wanted for support and fines are still needed to keep the coarse aggregate from moving too much.

SIZE: 1/2" with Fines


Used as the coarse aggregate in the surface course of asphalt pavements. It is widely used as the aggregate when roads are rehabilitated by the seal and chip method.

SIZE: 1/2" to 1/4"



Plant 1

Generally used in the same places as the #11 Stone but where a smaller top size is desired.

SIZE: 3/8" to 1/8"



Plant 1

Used as an underlayment for concrete slabs. It is sometimes used in asphalt mix design to fill a particular need. It is also used as backfill over drainage tile in yards as it transmits water readily.

SIZE: 1/4"


Used in many ways. As a combination of coarse and fine aggregates, it spreads easily and when compacted it provides a stable platform to build upon or use as a road or driveway. When subjected to weather the fines will absorb some of the moisture and loosen the compacted material. Therefore, when using this product as a driveway some maintenance is required. This product comes in CAPP certified or Commercial varieties.

INDOT or Commercial

SIZE: 1 1/2" with Fines



Used in the same way as #53 Stone but where a smaller top size of coarse aggregate is required. Filling small holes and thin layers (like shoulders) is where 73’s are better than 53’s. This product comes in CAPP certified or Commercial varieties.

INDOT or Commercial

SIZE: 1" with Fines


Agricultural Limestone is a fine graded material used to help neutralize acidity in soil.

SIZE: 1/4″ to 1/8″

#4 Septic Stone


Plant 1

Backfill material for septic systems.

1 1/2" to 1"

INDOT Uniform Rip-Rap

Used as a transition up to Revetment Rip-Rap or for the same uses as Revetment Rip-Rap but for lower slopes or slower moving water flows. Often used in gabion baskets.

6" to 2 1/2"

INDOT Revetment Rip-Rap

Used to protect slopes, stream bank, channel or similar areas subject to erosion. It may also be used as a check dam to slow flowing water and a rock chute to protect the outlet of a channel or culvert.

12" to 6"



Used as a decorative landscaping material.

SIZE: 1 1/2" to 1"


Used as a landscape material or backfill material.

SIZE: 1/2" to 3/16"


Premixed coarse aggregate and sand that is ready to mix with cement for small concrete projects.

SIZE: 1" & Sand


INDOT #23 / #24 SAND

Primarily used in concrete and asphalt mixes.


General purpose sand for everyday projects.


INDOT CAPP Certified

Aggregate Supplier in Indiana

INDOT CAPP Certified

Aggregate Supplier in Indiana


Our Locations

Plant 1 – Limestone (Main Office)

2413 South County Road 150 East
Logansport, IN 46947

Plant 3 – Sand & Gravel

1769 South County Road 600 East,
Walton, IN 46994

Michigantown Stone

803 North Main Street
Michigantown, IN 46057

Main Office

2413 South Co. Rd. 150 East
P.O. Box 538
Logansport, IN 46947

Contact Us

Tel: (574) 753-5506
Fax: (574) 739-2603

Engineering Aggregates Recreated Red and White Logo

Main Office

2413 South Co. Rd. 150 East
P.O. Box 538
Logansport, IN 46947

Contact Us

Tel: (574) 753-5506
Fax: (574) 739-2603

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